定网站建设 伺服液位仪 防撞墙模具 唐山护栏 钢纤维 天津除甲醛 保定铝型材个单元电路。总之,对各单元电路在整个电路系统中所担负的特有功能了解得越透彻,就越能减少检修中的盲目性,从而极大提高检修的工作效率。
The maintenance of the electric door summarizes the general parts or
scope of the fault: according to the manifestation of the fault, infer
various possible causes of the fault, and gradually reduce the possible
parts of the fault to a certain range. In particular, we should be good
at using the principle of "optimization method" to analyze the whole
circuit including several unit circuits, and then analyze which one or
several unit circuits the fault may occur. In a word, the more thorough
understanding of the unique functions of each unit circuit in the whole
circuit system, the less blindness in maintenance, and thus greatly
improve the efficiency of maintenan