自动门工作原理 |
添加时间:2020/12/19 16:07:49 浏览次数: |
Working principle 自动门的基本工作原理自动门机的基本组成大体上相同,有了以上构成,再加上开门信号,就可以配置成一套简单的自动门系统了。 The basic working principle of automatic door is basically the same as the basic composition of automatic door machine. With the above composition and the open door signal, a simple automatic door system can be configured. 自动门的系统配置是指根据使用要求而配备的,与自动门控制器相连的外围辅助控制装置,如开门信号源、门禁系统、安全装置、集中控制等。必须根据建筑物的使用特点。通过人员的组成,楼宇自控的系统要求等合理配备辅助控制装置。 The system configuration of automatic door refers to the peripheral auxiliary control devices connected with automatic door controller, such as open door signal source, access control system, safety device, centralized control, etc. It must be based on the use characteristics of buildings. Auxiliary control devices are reasonably equipped through personnel composition and system requirements of building |
上一页 自动门应注意的质量问题 |
下一页 电动伸缩门:维护维修保养 |
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