电动伸缩门有那些配件? |
添加时间:2022/6/29 16:46:03 浏览次数: |
电动伸缩门有那些配件? What are the accessories of the electric telescopic door? 1、电动伸缩门常用到的门配件主要有:电动伸缩门专用遥控器、外用发射控制器、限位磁铁、专用线缆、防撞防爬器等。 1. The commonly used door accessories for electric telescopic door mainly include: special remote controller for electric telescopic door, external launch controller, limit magnet, special cable, anti-collision and anti creeper, etc. 2、电动伸缩门驱动装置含:一体减速电动伸缩门电机、离合器、干簧管、限位开关、系统控制主板、红外感应探测器、密封式齿轮电机、控制盒、机箱、LED显示屏等。 2. The electric telescopic door drive device includes: integrated deceleration electric telescopic door motor, clutch, reed, limit switch, system control motherboard, infrared induction detector, sealed gear motor, control box, chassis, LED display screen, etc. 3、电动伸缩门的门体主要包括:主材门排、中间交叉杆、轮子、启动轮、防风设计钩等。 3. The door body of the electric telescopic door mainly includes: main material door row, middle cross bar, wheel, starting wheel, wind proof design hook, etc. |
上一页 电动伸缩门:维护维修保养 |
下一页 电动伸缩门规格型号| |
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