伸缩门安装说明 |
添加时间:2022/11/9 14:46:04 浏览次数: |
伸缩门安装说明 Installation Instructions for Telescopic Door 适用范围 Scope of application 政府机关、企事业单位大门、活动围墙。 Gate and movable wall of government agencies, enterprises and institutions. 工作程序及作用 Working procedures and functions 值班人员通过控制器发出指令,使电动门按预定轨道快速完成伸、缩运动,以达到控制大门封闭与放行的目的。 The operator on duty sends instructions through the controller to make the electric door quickly complete the extension and contraction movement according to the preset track, so as to control the door closure and release. 产品特点 Product features 美观时尚,节约场地,操作简便,动作平稳、快捷、噪声低,通行能力强,安全可靠。 Beautiful and fashionable, space saving, simple operation, smooth and fast action, low noise, strong traffic capacity, safe and reliable. 产品结构 product mix 电动伸缩门主要有伸缩门体、机头、控制器三部分组成。 The electric telescopic door is mainly composed of the telescopic door body, the machine head and the controller. 1、伸缩门体:伸缩门体是由门体大框、交叉撑、轴(定轴、滑轴)及门体轮等主要部件组成。门体整体为金属结构,按材质又分为不锈钢门体、铝合金门体、压铸铝门体。 1. Telescopic door body: the telescopic door body is composed of the main parts such as the door frame, cross brace, axis (fixed axis, sliding axis) and door wheel. The overall door body is a metal structure, which is divided into stainless steel door body, aluminum alloy door body and die-casting aluminum door body according to the material. 2、机头:由驱动器和电气部分组成,它固定在门体的一端,带动门体伸缩运动,与门体配套使用。 2. Head: It is composed of driver and electrical part. It is fixed at one end of the door body to drive the door body to expand and retract. It is used together with the door body. 驱动器分普通型和机器人型。 Drivers are divided into general type and robot type. 3、控制器:由控制盒、台式控制器及手柄遥控器组成。 3. Controller: consists of control box, desktop controller and handle remote controller. 1)、控制盒:固定在机头内,由它接收控制器发出的指令控制门体的运行。 1) . Control box: fixed in the machine head, it receives instructions from the controller to control the operation of the door body. 2)、台式控制器:主要定州苗木 保定网站建设 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 上海起帆电缆由值班人员在值班室内使用。 2) Desktop controller: mainly used by the personnel on duty in the duty room. 3)、手柄遥控器:主要配备车辆使用,可在机头周围10-30米内(根据现场的无线电通讯环境而定)活动控制大门的开、关。 3) . Handle remote controller: mainly equipped with vehicles, which can control the opening and closing of the gate within 10-30 meters around the nose (depending on the radio communication environment on site |
上一页 电动门的基本原理 |
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