自动门的维修与保养 |
添加时间:2018/1/10 17:25:16 浏览次数: |
自动门由无数金属或非金属零部件组成,在使用中,应注意保养以下几个方面,才能使门获得更长的使用寿命。 The automatic door is made up of numerous metal or non metal parts. In use, we should pay attention to the following aspects in order to make the door longer life. 一.旋转门总体的维修和保养 One. The maintenance and maintenance of the revolving door 1.表面清洁度和检查。 1. surface cleanliness and inspection. 2.门体稳定运行检查、调试。 The stable operation of the 2. doors is checked and debugged. 二.旋转门驱动器的维护和保养 Two. Maintenance and maintenance of the revolving door driver 1.电机系数测试、及调整。 1. test and adjust the coefficient of motor. 2.变速箱检查、调整;支架测试、及调整。 2. transmission box inspection, adjustment, support test, and adjustment. 3.滚轴轴承的清洁、调整。 3. cleaning and adjusting of roller bearings. 4.主轴轴承的检查、调整。 4. the inspection and adjustment of the spindle bearing. 5.滑轮清洁、检查。 5. the pulley is cleaned and checked. 6.滑轮固定装置的清洁、检查。 6. the cleaning and inspection of the pulley fixtures. 7.变频汽控制箱参数的检查、调整。 Check and adjust the parameters of the 7. variable frequency steam control box. 8.PLC控制箱参数的检查、调整。 Check and adjust the parameters of 8.PLC control box. 9.继电器的清洁、检查。 9. the cleaning and inspection of the relay. 10.保险丝的检查。 10. the inspection of the fuse. 11.推拉旋转门电机、控制器的清洁、检查。 11. push and pull the cleaning and inspection of the motor and controller of the revolving door. 三.旋转门内部结构的维修和保养 Three. Maintenance and maintenance of the inner structure of the revolving door 1.镭射天花灯的清洁、检查。 1. the cleaning and inspection of the lantern of the laser. 2.吊顶板的清洁、检查。 2. cleaning and checking of the ceiling board. 3.曲壁玻璃的清洁。 3. clean glass wall. 四.门扉部分的保养 The four part of the maintenance door. 1.展箱门扇的清洁、检查、调整。 1. the cleaning, inspection and adjustment of the door fan. 2.展箱门锁的检查、调整。 2. check and adjust the lock of the door. 3.毛刷的清洁。 3. clean brush. 五.顶部结构的保养 Five. Maintenance of top structure 1.防尘罩的清洁。 1. cleanliness of the dustproof cover. 2.轨道的清洁、检查、调整。 The cleaning, inspection and adjustment of the 2. track. 3.驱动轮的检查、调整。 3. the inspection and adjustment of the driving wheel. 4.从动轮的检查、调整。 4. from the inspection and adjustment of the moving wheel. |
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