车库门Opener坏了打不开门怎么办? |
添加时间:2018/1/22 15:45:12 浏览次数: |
当遇到车库门打不开,车库开门器不工作的情况,应该如何处理?车库门上的紧急拉线开关怎样使用才是正确的?今天的How视频告诉你车库门Opener坏了打不开门怎么办 。 When the door of the garage can not be opened, the door of the garage does not work, how should it be handled? What is the correct use of the emergency pull wire switch on the garage door? Today's How video tells you how the garage door Opener is bad and can't open the door. 车库门打不开有两种情况: There are two situations in which the garage door can't be opened. 车库开门器opener有问题;车库门弹簧断裂。 The garage door opener opener has a problem; the garage door spring breaks. 如果是车库门opener坏了,在开车库门时,车库门将完全没有反应,opener也没有声音。 If the garage door opener is broken, the garage door will be completely unresponsive when the garage door is opened and the opener has no sound. 开门器失灵后的应急开门方法: 利用红色紧急开关。 The emergency door opening method after the door opener is out of order: use the red emergency switch. 下拉紧急开关,使其与横梁脱钩,手动开启和关闭。 Pull down an emergency switch so that it is decoupled from the beam, manually opening and closing. 关门后复位紧急开关,确认复位正确,就无法从外面打开车库门。 After closing the door, reset the emergency switch to confirm that the reset is correct, and the garage door can not be opened from the outside. |
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