车辆的自动放行 |
添加时间:2021/8/10 14:44:08 浏览次数: |
车辆的自动放行:此项功能针对如特种车辆(如军车、警车)、预交费车辆(如办理月、年缴费卡)以及其他授权免费通行的车辆。系统处于自动检测状态,一旦发现该类车辆经过,给出的控制信号不是驱动拦截装置,而是驱动放行装置。系统此时会自动开启道闸,达到车辆不停车过卡和减少工作人员、严化内部管理的目的。通常用于高速公路卡口专用车道保定平面设计培训 收费岛模具 挡土墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞墙模具 防撞护栏模具 大棚遮阳网 遮阴网。其作用是可以解决车流高峰期的堵塞问题和减少运作费用。 Automatic release of vehicles: this function is for special vehicles (such as military vehicles and police vehicles), pre paid vehicles (such as handling monthly and annual payment cards) and other vehicles authorized to pass free of charge. The system is in the state of automatic detection. Once the vehicle passes, the control signal given is not to drive the interceptor, but to drive the release device. At this time, the system will automatically open the gate, so as to achieve the purpose of not stopping the vehicle, reducing the number of staff and tightening the internal management. It is usually used for the special lane of Expressway bayonet. Its function is to solve the problem of traffic jam and reduce the operation cost |
上一页 自动门闭门器的种类 |
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