自动门目前已经越来越普及 |
添加时间:2021/11/16 23:05:34 浏览次数: |
Automatic doors are becoming more and more popular. Many shopping
malls and hotels will choose automatic doors to increase the company's
image. In addition to this function, the automatic door has the
following basic functions:
Enhance the beautifying effect of buildings
Ordinary door bodies tend to have a single structure, low
selectivity and uniform style. The automatic door has widely adopted new
design, new decoration materials and new processing technology, so that
it will be more coordinated and matched in the structure of the
structure with the structure, and enhance the decoration and
beautification function of the building.
Improve airtight performance and energy saving
自动旋转门无论转到哪个位置对扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训门外都是敞开的,对门内都是关闭的。因此,自动门能减少热量的损失,减少尘土的侵入,增加了密闭性。这种情况之下,也节省了能源。
The automatic revolving door is open to the door no matter where it
goes, and it closes to the door. Therefore, the automatic door can
reduce the loss of heat, reduce the intrusion of dust, and increase the
airtightness. In this case, energy is also saved. |
上一页 自动门的英文统称是 |
下一页 自动门,顾名思义 |
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