自动门的英文统称是 |
添加时间:2021/12/1 15:59:36 浏览次数: |
自动门的英文统称是:Automatic Door。顾名思义,自动门是指能够不通过人力就能够自动地打开、关闭的门的综合体。因为自动门增加了自动感应(检测)人的行走而开门、关门,因此也习惯称为自动感应门。 The English name of automatic door is: automatic door. As the name implies, the automatic door refers to a complex of doors that can be opened and closed automatically without manpower. Because the automatic door increases the automatic sensing (detection) person's walking and opens and closes the door, it is also used to be called the automatic sensing door. 国家标准《人行自动门通用技术要求》中有关自动门术语的定义为: In the national standard general technical requirements for automatic pedestrian doors, the definitions of terms related to automatic doors are as follows: 自动门:以各种信号自动控制、由外源动力驱动门扇的启闭,供人通行的门的总称。 Automatic door: the general name of the door which is controlled automatically by various signals and driven by external power to open and close the door for people. 平滑自动门:门扇沿水平方向线性往复移动实现启闭的人行自动门。 Smooth automatic door: it is a pedestrian automatic door with the door leaf moving linearly and reciprocally along the horizontal direction. 旋转自动门:两扇或多扇门扇绕中心轴转动启闭的人行自动门。 Revolving automatic door: automatic pedestrian door with two or more doors rotating around the central axis. 平开自动门:门扇绕转轴向门框平面外往复旋转启闭的人行自动门。 Horizontal opening automatic door: it is a pedestrian automatic door which is opened and closed by reciprocating rotation of the door leaf around the rotating axis to the outside of the door frame plane. 折叠自动门:用合页(铰链)连接的两个或多个门扇以折叠方式启闭的人行自动门。 Folding automatic door: automatic pedestrian door opened and closed by folding two or more doors connected by hinges |
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